There is an inductance created between the coils because it is split. This inductance will give you more noise attenuation. As primary coil is not wound on top of the secondary coil the coupling capacitance is less. This is mainly used to protect the CNC Machines, Medical Equipments, Computers and Telecommunications equipment from damage due to electrical noise, spikes etc.
Ratio | 1 : 1 |
Load Regulation | 2-4% for 100% change in current @ unity P.F. |
Efficiency | Better than 97% |
Connections | Delta / Star |
Dielectric Strength | 2.5 KV |
DC Isolation | Over 100Mohms between any windings or windings to ground. |
Common Mode Noise Rejection | Over 120 db |
Coupling Capacitance | 0.1 pf for 100dB 0.05pf for 120dB |
Line Frequency | 47 to 63Hz. |